Wednesday 12 October 2011

Apple and Blackberry Crumble

IOS 5 is available now and you can download it directly from itunes it has some new features and it is jailbreakable as devteam stated with redsnow , Though every one is complaining about "error 3200" and it's somehow came after steve died , we didn't used to have a common error like that when steve was the CEO i guess every horse must have a hump
Now Blackberry has been shutdown for almost 3 days and they say it's maintanance while we know best not to be fooled with an albay like that, i mean if it was maintanance then why comesthe shutdown all on a sudden , i say this remind me when Sony Network got hacked and i can't see how that was a maintanance , all in all it is such a shame to see big Tech companies can't handle the trust people have put on them.
Sigh , just sigh for you Steve it's just a week now and look to the apple you gave your life to prosper , i can't say the same about blackberry but it sure has a lot to do from now on.

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